Saturday, January 13, 2007

Here are pictures of the Pantheon taken on a sunny day last week.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First Entry

Well today is my sixth day in Rome, and living here day by day seems to be getting easier. Yesterday was our first sketching class, of which we all had to draw plans and sections of the pantheon. I truly do love that building! When I came to Rome for the fist time when I was 16, I was mesmerized by how large the dome was, and I still am.

On Monday I went over to the Pantheon to see it raining inside of the building. It was pretty interesting to be inside a building, and have rain come down on your face. Although it wasn't raining very hard, I could still feel the moister in the air inside. It looked like a glowing mist coming down through the oculus.

Yesterday when the class went to draw, it was a perfect day outside. The sun was shining, and it was on the warmer side. Once entering the Pantheon, there was a perfect shadow coming through the oculus onto another part of the dome. I did get a great picture of it, and I will have to post it later. For now, I am off! Ciao!